I love boxing up packages. Especially Christmas stuff, where everything can be individually wrapped, and then snugly fit into the box. There's something oddly satisfying about it that sings to an otherwise latent anal-retentive part of my brain. I also go a little wild with the packing tape.
But then, I have no post office fear. I will mail anything for anybody! It's fun! Sending prezzies away to unsuspecting peeps!
t /post office whore
The Emmett/Matilda love is so reminiscent of the Ben/Sara love that it gives me warm fuzzies.
I love the post office. I have great sympathy for the guys at the counter, so long as they're giving it their best shot.
Postage paid for. Shipping labels printed. Now I just need two more boxes.
The place Joe is temping wants him through January! Full time!!
Oh, Aimee! YAY! That's awesome news.
Yay Joe!
In additional pretty good news, Hubby has an old student loan that has haunted us for decades. I don't mind dealing with it, because I can say, "He got that loan before I knew he existed, you can't touch me, jackhole." Anyway, the loan has been handed off to yet another company, who contacted us yesterday to discuss matters. After a run down of the realities of our finances, the person on the other end was actually human-like and helpful. When Hubby told her that he was applying for disability, she asid, "If that goes through, call us. We'd more than likely waive the student loan completely."
That would be nice to be rid of. Then Hubby could apply for a passport and contemplate leaving the country.
Yay, Aims! That's great news.
Connie, that's good news, too! It always surprises me when the collection people are helpful and human-like.
What a relief, Aims. And good news for Connie, too.
Aimee and Connie -- hooray for your good news!
In news of heat in my apartment: despite having previously stated that the boiler was perfectly fine, the maintenance guy now thinks that it's sprung a leak. (Yes, that is EXACTLY why I mentioned the rust-stain leading from the bottom of the boiler to the drain in the basement floor. . . sigh.)
So, he's doing more work on it.