Relax~ma, Cashmere. Good luck getting stuff done; I'm glad you were able to get a sitter, that should make things less stressful for you.
I need to learn to not get so stressed about things too. I was hormonal and crazed yesterday trying to get stuff done. The good news is, I am now off the crazy making BCPs, and hopefully the new ones will not be as crazy making.
I am now off the crazy making BCPs, and hopefully the new ones will not be as crazy making.
I have to say, I *love* my IUD. I *did* have residual cramping for the first month, until I got my period, but now everything is copacetic.
The idea of an IUD just makes me nervous. It's probably completely irrational, but it isn't something I am likely to try anytime soon.
On the loving the IUD train. I don't have the hormone one - just the regular ole cooper one.
Suzi, I'm glad to know y'all got home safe, and the quake must not have registered with me, because I don't remember it. Personally, having lived in Tornado Cul-de-sac, I'd much rather have the earth move than the sky fall. Though - if I had lived through the Good Friday Quake (9.2, original shock went on for 4 minutes), I might feel differently. (Just saw a special on it.)
Relaxing vibes to Cashmere & sj! Ommmmmm.....
So aggravated - I ordered a Hula Lilo for Em for Christmas. The box got here last night.
It was Stitch.
We HAVE two Stitch's. I need a Hula Lilo!! I emailed them and alerted them of their error last night and thus far, no answer. Grrr.
Happy Solstice, everyone. I know I can't wait to get the orb back...
Hey wait, there's an orb? I gotta see this orb of which you speak.
My goodness. The only value I can see for that phone is fulfilling penis envy. Ugly, circular dialing pad, and short battery life. If that were the free phone, I'd buy one.
Last night's earthquake was one good shake in our apartment in Berkeley, and then we felt the little aftershock last night around midnight. Earthquakes are not something I'm going to miss.
How is it possible that I should have to come in to work when the coffee shop in the building is closed?
I'm off to do some errands and to maybe beg the salon down the street to fit me in for a dye job. I don't expect them to actually be able to fit me in, but I figure it is worth a try.