So, are we going to get more details on how the Prince meeting happen? I'm darn curious.
She was at that M place I keep forgetting the name of and couldn't get a taxi, so she went up to security and asked if they could help her. Then she asked what was going on upstairs (there was all kinds of lights and loud music), and the security guy said it was a party for *I don't remember what* and asked her if she wanted to go.
So he walked her upstairs and since it was after 2, it was serve yourself champagne, so she and some British guy and his friends were sitting on a couch when Prince kind of just sat down near them.
She said he was in all white and pimped out with the eyemakeup, and no one was really talking to him. She and British guy managed to get a couple of words out, and then when "Holiday" came on they all (Friend, British guy, Prince and the 2 girls) screamed and they asked if she wanted to join them on the floor, they danced to that and then I assume since he was up dancing, they played "Kiss" so everybody kept dancing.
I got a text the next morning (or that morning) at 7 something am that said, "I have very little ve say.." i been dancin with PRINCE like it was 1999"
She flew in from LA last night, so I finally got to hear the whole story. Earlier in the night, she and her guy friend were sitting on the patio near some Olsens.