There you are! I am absolutely interested in taking part, but I am only available on the 26th and 27th. After that I'm on the road to San Francisco for family stuff. So it should be the 26th or 27th, so you can watch me spin around uselessly in a circle while firing blindly.
And then kill me. Many, many times.
"Hey, Aims."
What that really means is,
"Piss off, Empress! Ther is important blow 'em up man-talk going on here! Go back to your pink and glitter and work slacking!"
Hush you [Pete]. I'ma edit and make you look crazy.
Um... why? Is your coworker a three-year-old?
Apparently it is a hi-larious gift for her mother. You see, she uses a walker and wouldn't it be FUN to put a bicycle bell on the walker. Ha-ha-ha-ha. GAG.
Em's new tricycle has one of those bells. I kept ringing it until Em yelles, "NO BELL, MOMMA!"
Pete is a crazy, crazy adorable boy.
And such an edit! And yet, my "spoke too soon" comment still applies, as you have ensured much fragging of yourself in the near future.
I think the 27th is a good idea. 26th is trickier for me, I'm booked in the evening.
What that really means is, "Piss off, Empress! Ther is important blow 'em up man-talk going on here! Go back to your pink and glitter and work slacking!"
Correct. Got it in one. Man-talk, yup.
Still, you want to encourage Joe to be there too so he can get good and blowed up.
Still, you want to encourage Joe to be there too so he can get good and blowed up.
Oh yeah. However, it would have to be the 27th since I'm working the 26th and Em doesn't have daycare.
I think the 27th is a good idea.
That would be fine. My schedule is pretty wide open.