Non-gay couples would get married in order to advantage of partner benefits they shouldn't be entitiled to.
Tell your daughter about the time Hubs' family suggested that I marry Hubs' (widowed) mother so she could use my insurance to pay for her prescription medication. If anything, legal recognition of Hubs's and my commitment would have prevented that discussion.
I grew up in Rock County (Beloit and Janesville) during the '60s and '70s. Where people still remembered "Tail Gunner Joe" McCarthy fondly. So I've long had a lot of problems believing that Wisconsin is liberal.
I grew up in Rock County (Beloit and Janesville) during the '60s and '70s. Where people still remembered "Tail Gunner Joe" McCarthy fondly. So I've long had a lot of problems
Hoo-boy. No wonder. That man gave this state the worst reputation and unfortunately, we still sometimes deserve it.
So I got the word from the mechanic.... they need to replace an exhaust pipe, reseat the oil pan, and, apparently redo the entire timing kit. $1600 and three to five days.
I'm going to go have a drink.
I ate all the Frusen Glädjé
Is that stuff still around? I loved it.
Not necessarily for religious reasons, but she saw it as leading to an abuse of the system, similar to folks marrying a non-US citizen in order to get a green card. Non-gay same sex couples would get married in order to take advantage of partner benefits they wouldn't normally be entitiled to.
But why wouldn't non-gay people just marry another non-gay person of the opposite sex? Cause that's legal
Despite all the elections, etc I woke up with one prevailing thought.
"Why is Patrick Dempsey so effing hot?"
I have not yet some up with an answer.
Non-gay same sex couples would get married in order to take advantage of partner benefits they wouldn't normally be entitiled to.
And only straight people should be allowed to do that!
Hey, I have two friends who got married because she was diagnosed with a kidney condition and the specialist she needed wasn't covered under her plan. I don't know how they got around the whole "preexisting condition" thing, but it worked out somehow.
We had a "professional clown" running for mayor.
If he's elected, how will you ever sleep again without him eating you?
I am finding five million things I "need" to do today to avoid my Math. I should probably just get to it, huh?