which seems the best approach.
Every year I want to start a grassroots movement to vote "no" on all propositions all the time. Just because I think it's turned out to be such a dreadful way to legislate and it should stop.
Then I spend hours trying to parse the language because I can't stop caring.
We didn't have propsitions in CT. Oddly, we expect our legislators to do the work they were paid for. and guess what? the wrote laws that didn't get overturned by the court - something to do with not writting laws that are unlawful.
We did vote on town budgets and amendments
Well, how would that make it better? Wouldn't that get crappy laws like this parental notification thing passed?
I know we have a lot of Roomba owners, but does anyone have a Scooba? We are thinking about getting one for my mom and wanted to get some feedback.
Dawn, I just read about that on Consumerist.com... they cite a Consumer Reports article that says that Scoobas aren't worth it. here's the link: [link]
Wouldn't that get crappy laws like this parental notification thing passed?
honestly, no. Now, Ct is a blue state, but on the moderate end of things. So things that divided the state, less likely to pass. you don't pass laws that 45- 55% of your state are willing to challange.
and propsitions - lots of crappy laws - as in not enforcable, not funded or hastinging enforcement of funding- 'cause they are written by pewople that don't know/ understand law.
I have to work now. This is more fun
Nora thanks... Mom has COPD so mopping is sorta taxing for her, hummm... back to the drawing board.