Happy Birthday Princess Emeline!
Happy Belated Birthday to Sara!
You know, in the movies the cursed demon object is usually a sinister doll or something scary. Not a concrete armadillo.
So, I noticed at the store yesterday that there's a Ken doll who comes with 20 pairs of women's shoes. Sadly, he is called Derek, not Manolo.
happy birthday Emmeline and Sara
entertaining a gentleman caller
I can't imagine why you'd find that more interesting than us.
Happy birthdays, Sproglets!!
Raq, I ADORE Buffy the Vampire Sleigher. I love her!
billytea, no more working till the wee hours. It sucks and you shouldn't do that.
I'm working a half day today. Whee!! In fact, I'm leaving in about 20 minutes!
My co-worker is vomiting in the bathroom.
I am breathing very slowly, in and out, for I have a very sympathetic stomach.
Mmmmm....flexiril and vicodin....
I wish this cocktail didn't make me nauseated followed by sleepy. Might make it easier to medicate the back issues.
Aimee - time for some fresh air? Can you take a break and go for a quick walk?
I did. She's heading home as soon as she's done with payroll. Poor thing.
Birthday happies to Emeline and Sara. If they want them.
Glad you guys like Buffy the Vampire Sleigher! My cow-orker wants to use it as his door, so I have to come up with something else. I'm not sure exactly what yet, but I covered the door with black wrapping paper.
Every. Single. One. of my cow-orkers came by and said, "That black door down the hall? That's yours, isn't it?"