I went with my coworker to Citizen Cake for dinner, which was yum....though I should've eaten less, cause Ihad about three bites of dessert and suddenly realized I was WAAAAY full.
And I got back to the hotel JUST in time to start Veronica Mars. Yay, timing.
I do need to get up there and see the baby.....
Rearranged furniture. Need to keep icing my hand. Rushed dinner for the Buffy W&P and damn the burn. Literally.
you needa nap . or a drink
also my ice pack - I have one that you can wrap around a hand or limb - I use it mostly for cooking burns
I need your icepack. And a drink.
Actually, I have a drink. I need to drink my drink.
Jumping on IM.
Fuck. Ping me. I just deleted you instead of pinging you.
Nebbermind. Moved you, didn't kill you. My bad.
Late night Xmas gift advice? My niece and her husband need a knife set. Her mom said "Just get them a gift card at Target." Do I:
a) Get them a Target gift card?
b) Get them an inexpensive knife set with many knives and block?
c) Get them the two knives I use for pretty much everything? (expensive, but I'm willing to spend, but 2 knives doesn't look that impressive)
d) Ricockulous.
ION, my English-Greek dictionary has the word "ginormous" in it.