"Vortex, go with the dark red nails! Neutral is no fun and dark red isn't unprofessional...and way more holiday-party fun"
Nice that SOMEBODY noticed my dilemma *sniff* I mean, Plei posts pics of a super cute kid and then no one even notices my question. I mean, it was important . . . What was it again?
Dark red is always my choice. But usually for my toes. And nails, but I so seldom colorize them because I am clumsy so they only last for the day they are done.
Except, I need another option for my toes now cause I lost part of my toenail and I feel I should avoid the dripping blood look.
Have person coming by to look at my loveseat that I am vaguely willing to sell. If they don't want it? Eh, I can keep it for a while longer. I like it, I just don't really have enough room for it.
I need to finalize my holiday travel plans. Or, you know, start them.
This post brought to you by Random Mental Paths.
Except, I need another option for my toes now cause I lost part of my toenail and I feel I should avoid the dripping blood look.
Maybe with silver glitter.
"Vortex, go with the dark red nails! Neutral is no fun and dark red isn't unprofessional...and way more holiday-party fun"
Wait, someone was concerned that dark red nails would be unprofessional? Huh? Dark red is a neutral, dammit.
Wait, someone was concerned that dark red nails would be unprofessional?
Nah, just that I have a peachy beige that is more
neutral. I worry vaguely when I travel. don't give a damn at home, of course. But, then I'm in LA, so dark red is probably better.
Black and blue! With the glitter too!
My parents are gonna love this at their Christmas party...
Oh, the wife of the couple interested in my loveseat came by. And likes it. They are coming back later this evening to pick it up. Yay?
It really doesn't fit in here. I can put a cat climbing / flop on thing there and get the same use and also be able to use my balcony. It's a good thing but I like the couch and will miss it.
To get over it, I am making chicken marsala. I think. I am
chicken marsala at least.
can you send som efood over the wire ? Matt is in dc and not helping