Sonus, unless you're bringing your own box, TV & Live account, the headset won't do you any good for the Fest, as only one person on each Live account can use a headset to communicate. I'm pretty sure guests can't.
ETA: Of course, since we're doing this over Live, if you have all of the above, you could play from the comfort of your own home.
Cupcake, I would give you absinthe if you were here.
Aimee, whyfor has your husband not made the teleporter yet?? Also, I think I found my next Hallowe'en costume.
Also, I think I found my next Hallowe'en costume.
MM needs to finish the teleporter by next Halloween. IJS.
I know I have had a long day....but Halloween costumes are the topic of conversation? Did I miss having a few shots of Fernet?
I shall ignore and revert to images of racks and glitter and such.
racks and glitter and such
I think you just hit the point of segue back to Halloween costumes.
Pictures Brenda's rack in a Halloween costume made of glitter.
racks and glitter are good year 'round!
I left work early, as did Paul. We grabbed sushi like civilized adults, then had a cup of coffee before fetching the Bean from daycare.
It ruled.
Except that I am now overly full.
I have not much to add. Other than "Vortex, go with the dark red nails! Neutral is no fun and dark red isn't unprofessional...and way more holiday-party fun"