Dear Ms. Rowling:
This is the funniest word I've seen in a very long time. I think it should be a new spell. Actually, it could be the spell that was put on Draco as a child, therefore explaining why he is such a penis.
Ta! Your biggest fan,
The Empress
You've not heard that one before, Aims? It's a fave among my RPG group.
I've not heard it. Joe and the guys don't get that inventive. Just a lot of boring, "Fuck you, fuckball. Give me back my fucking laser taser fucking baser gun!" or summat.
'Ricockulous' is most commonly used when a game rule or mechanic creates results that make no sense, thus negating the point of the rule in the first place.
Or, if someone's talking crap.
Or, if someone's talking crap.
On Thursday, after quitting the game, Joe went on about things ricockulous.
Ah, so it's a word tailor-made for him, really.
While I find the sentiment deserves repeating, a double post is still annoying and unworthy of remaining unedited.
So, where'd that semi-naked Juliana go?
I was just wondering that myself.
:: Peeks out from the shadows of lurk ::
Yeah, where did she go?
:: lurks again ::
Hush you, or it's fraggin' time!