Lots of ~ma for S!
sj, I'm sorry that you're in the "I'm not sure they believe it" space -- it's very uncomfortable. I had something slightly similar with my DH's family and my motion sickness -- until they witnessed the puking. I do not recommend the witness solution in your case, since asthma is much more serious. It sounds like TCG is taking this seriously, and he should be the one to deal with his relations, telling them what is possible and what is not. As said above, going into a situation where you know you get sick (or have good reason to believe you might), is not acceptable. Those relations would be out of bounds to ask it of you.
The Bean is too cute!
The only times my mother would come over to my place when I had cats was when she planned it herself. I double vacuumed everything (furniture included) and we locked the cats up. It helped some, but mom still couldn't stay much above 4 hours. Which is why the only times she came over was for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The trade off of spending all day cooking or putting up with cats was worth it to her. :)
ETA: Just to clarify, I'm not proposing that you go over to the stepmother's place, sj. What my mom could tolerate doesn't mean I think you should try to. It was her choice, as this is your choice. You know your body and what it can handle.
Curse you, Raq, for reminding me of the existance of that particular coat from J.Peterman. Tho' the one I really want (and am possibly getting for Christmas as pretty much my only present) is this one: [link]
Jilli, if one was looking for a long coat for a Mary Poppins costume, what would one search under on eBay?
Jilli, if one was looking for a long coat for a Mary Poppins costume, what would one search under on eBay?
er ... coat dress? Frock coat? Victorian coat? Or you could just tell me what size you need and I can check my sale rack in the storage room.
Probably around a 14. My measurements are really close to yours, if memory serves. Mine might be a little bigger.
Kidlet weird
Kidlet takes after mohmlet. For which, I think, we are all kinda grateful. Weird is good.
Probably around a 14. My measurements are really close to yours, if memory serves. Mine might be a little bigger.
Okay. When I get a chance, I'll take a look. How close to the movie outfit are you shooting for? As close as possible, or just something with the same sort of style?
Kidlet takes after mohmlet. For which, I think, we are all kinda grateful. Weird is good.
Snerk. See, the part that really cracks me up about this is that Mohmlet is portmanteau for two of my cats, dating back to when we just had the two, and gave them a collective name.
And the statement? Still true.