I am well and truly gronked.
Em was up with night terrors around 1am. Just when I thought we were past that. That terrified screaming just wrenches my heart right out of my chest. We tried numerous things to wake her up. When she finally did, we gave her a bit of milkie and read "Pat the Bunny" and then she was out like a light again.
Very tired. Motivation hasn't goten here yet. It must be running late.
Aw, poor Aimee.
When we were kids, my folks got a smaller tree which was up on a sideboard, too high for toddlers to reach. When we got older, the problem was cats, so they always wired the top of the tree to the curtain rod, and we all learned to hang all breakable ornaments above two foot or so. We had a bunch of wood and paper and plastic ones for the lower parts of the tree.
Hmm. I'm going on a recruiting trip, and need to get my nails done. I will go to a party the day after I get back. Should I go with the pretty deep red, suitable for the holidays, or a nice professional neutral? In case it matters, my toes are a nice deep blue.
Aww, Aimee, I'm sorry. Can I write your motivation a doctor's note?
Guess who got to work only to find the campus is basically closed?
Oh well. Might as well stick around. I'm not braving the walk to the bus anytime soon, considering I almost slipped and fell in the ice-covered crosswalk on the way in.
Kidlet weird: [link]
Lily! I love the pants-on-head days, and she's really styling in her neon green diaper cover! Sleepy bean is my new favorite Lillian, though.
Aww, such a cute, happy kidlet!
Lily! I love the pants-on-head days, and she's really styling in her neon green diaper cover! Sleepy bean is my new favorite Lillian, though.
Sleepy bean was so cute there. She flopped asleep in my arms at a party on Saturday, before we headed over to Pete and Jilli's.
That's actually a diaper! It's a Petite Toddler Fuzzibunz pocket diaper, in fact. (Or it's a medium Happy Heiny. It could also be a BumGenius, but I think it's one of the other two, as the fabric looks wrong for a BG. She has a lot of lime green diapers. Can you tell I do her shopping?)
Plei, I really admire you for using cloth diapers. Seriously.