Heh. And when you're queer, then you have the fun of friends who end up dating friends, and the confusion, when you're making friends, of "wait, are we becoming friends or is this a date" even MORE often than when you're straight...
And when you're bi, who the hell knows
is going on! The possibilities are endless!
(Kidding, mostly.)
t /human spork
If my friends didn't try to sleep me with I wouldn't have no sex at all!
Oh, shoot. I was going to wander over to a bookstore, and hope to find some yummy looking food on the way, but now I'm reminded that Heroes is on tonight, and I'd kinda like to watch it....stupid lack of hotel room having TiVO!
Hrm. I may just have to assume my TiVo got it and ignore any LJ stuff and whitefont I may see...
What's that you say? Wait 'til morning? Quite right. If you insist.
I not only insist, I demand it.
And when you're bi, who the hell knows what is going on! The possibilities are endless!
Bi-poly math is hard.
t /a very modern-day Barbie
but I continue to be amazed the right guy hasn't managed to show up/be found yet!
aww, thanks. Someday my prince will come.
You want me to save Heroes for you?
Vortex, that's crazy talk! I think a man should get down on his knees and thank his deity of choice he gets to date you, cause you kick ass!
That's pretty much what I was thinking.
We're going over bills in Chez Neil. Angst and gloom meters are pegging. Must find porn.
Ha! Rather than curse the darkness, I lit a candle! I'm making my own li'l, cheap, post T-day sale turkey. With stuffing. And meaty gravy.
Take that, clueless inlaws who ignore my sandwich needs!
Mmmmm, I'm already looking forward to the sandwiches.
I shall make them on ciabatta bread.
I'm sure if you mentioned your fandom of choice, you would be accomodated.