Yay for getting rid of the extra desk, Cass!
Did you take your mom by the candy store?
Happy Birthday, Julia!
If you are still up? Put down the sugary birthday treats and go to bed! Alternately, eat more sugar, get your own log in and amuse us. Either.
And this, as well.
We were going to stop by there but the uncles spent way more time hanging out with us than I had expected. Which? Yay uncles. And now I feel the need for candy tomorrow.
You know, Jason the desk dude didn't mention when he was coming by and hasn't written back. I am just assuming that he's on his way and since we're not doing much, might as well just wait and see.
Mom is talking to the other uncle (of the twins) and they are just sharing *everything*. It's odd to me because I am just nowhere near that close to my sibs. I assume because mine are step maybe? But, wow, just odd.
The advantage of me sharing with my sister is that I do not feel embarassed in front of her. Not because we're all buddywuddy or anything. I don't know--it's because I don't need her approval? Even a wee bit?
Now I've gone and confused myself.
The advantage of me sharing with my sister is that I do not feel embarassed in front of her. Not because we're all buddywuddy or anything. I don't know--it's because I don't need her approval? Even a wee bit?
I think it is this. Combined with an interest in exactly what we all had for dinner. And the two uncles are twins, both gay with partners that we really adore, so the twins thing and the mom is older than her brothers / maternally thing might come into play as well.
For me? I just really don't care enough about my siblings to want that level of detail.
I have one less desk! Go me! And the kid is a nice journalism student who wants to go to Columbia and so I am thrilled that my desk will have a nice new home.
Okay, I care more about my furniture's lives than my sibling's lives. Huh.
Your furniture gives you less grief.
Raq, so sorry for the awful news.
You know, that is true.
For all of the battered, bruised and occasionally bloody times we've had, the furniture is still a far healthier relationship than the ones I have with the sibs...
Well, furniture doesn't give you babies with which to play.
Huh. My Lego spaceships tended to last an hour or two, as I'd quickly build another so they could battle. And sometimes I'd build whole armadas of little Vipers and Cylon fighters, which would fight in hours-long campaigns.
You would get on SO well with my wee boys.
The Enterprise,
Happy belated birthday, Hil!
Thanks, Fay! (My birthday was actually a few weeks ago. This was just the first time since then that I was in the same city as my parents, so that they could take me to dinner.)
La la la la.... working on a reasearch proposal, my final project for my class this semester... I don't know why I can't get it together to get stuff done before it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. My brain just doesn't want to do stuff if I can get away with doing it later! (I really meant to do some stuff yesterday)