I need to go create my own turkey leftovers or I'll be depressed all week.
Dude, I can bring some over. M brought a whole bunch over to me (I was too tired to really celebrate - I wandered down to where he was, ooohed and ahhhed at the table set for the entire Italian army when there were only 5 people eating, and then wandered back up to bed), and there is no way in hell I can eat all of it. But it is very nummy.
No leftovers is a wrong, wrong, WRONG thing. So sorry, David!
We just put up mom and dad's Christmas tree. It is *quite* lovely. And now I'm pooped.
I braved the Black Friday crowds in search of a tv. I came into a bit of money recently and I've been debating how I'd use it. Originally I was just going to get a flat screen tube tv and not spend too much. But Circuit City advertised a 20"LCD for really cheap and we went and it was sold out. So then it was a stop at Sam's and finally to Best Buy where I totally splurged and spent more than I planned but I'm the proud new owner of a 27" LCD HDTV. There was a pretty decent rebate and the tv I've been using is a 20" bought from Wal MArt about 10 years ago.
My new tv (which I've nicked named the Giant Overlord) is not hooked up yet becaause I need to get a tv stand from Mom's. Currently I'm using a steamer trunk for a tv stand and the top isn't even so I'm worried the Giant Overlord might turn into Humptey Dumptey.
I braved Black Friday because we had to get cat litter, and the place where we get it is right across the street from Old Navy and Ulta.
We went to ON because Lillian needed socks and the ON baby socks are the best baby socks in the history of ever (and at a buck a pair if you buy 10 pairs, cheap, too). I kind of escaped with money in the bank, just much less of it.
It wouldn't have been so bad, but I managed to find the ONE cropped Pea Coat (AKA, Flattering McWaspwaist) in the whole store in black, and as it was $20 off, I had to have it. (Seriously, I tried on the blue one and set it down sadly, wishing it were black, because it looked that good. I mean, yowsa. But just don't wear navy blue. So I counted myself up $48 plus tax, to find my silver lining. Then I was looking for where they were hiding the t-shirts, and someone had abandoned a black one, in medium [the size that fit me during try on], right on top of a pile of henleys. I took it as a sign from above, and now I own it.)
In conclusion, the above paragraph is basically all for Aimee.
Oh, and Liptini lipstain rules.
As does Ulta.
Thank dog we're a one car family.
We went to ON because Lillian needed socks and the ON baby socks are the best baby socks in the history of ever (and at a buck a pair if you buy 10 pairs, cheap, too).
This is gospel, as far as I'm concerned.
Dude, I can bring some over.
I welcome you with turkey loving arms! Uh...when?
You can hold the baby...
Vaguely braved the pea-pulls today but only as far as Hawthorne. Bought some books, some hair care stuff and a bottle of wine at Pastaworks because they were giving tastings and I am a sucker for a nummy treat. The things I will do when mom asks. But not the mall, I am not that crazy.
We now have eaten heartily of moussaka that mom made, have a fire, some wine and now are both happily plinking away on each of our computers. Happy tummy, good.
Visited my best friend and then did lunch, Angel, and dinner with another friend.
That's all I can take, but sadly I need to do a pharmacy run before I sleep.
I didn't leave the house, except to help Emily take stuff to her dad's car. I really need to do that tomorrow.
I prayed my migraines would hold off enough for me to drive across town, and they were fairly light and responded to meds. Then, as I was getting into my car to come home, I managed to whack it.
migraine just eased off. I better stop tempting fate and just go to the pharmacy.