Being stalked by a crazy ex is the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. Twice! I can pick 'em, all right. Hec, I'm glad you're there for EM and she has safe places/people to go to. May EMEX get his shit together quick.
I once: drove to Tennessee, hit a deer on the way, broke out the headlight of my car, fixed the car for a not-small sum, drove back to Virginia, hit a deer on the way, broke the very same headlight. Have never otherwise ever hit a deer.
Which I hope doesn't jinx me, because I'm about to drive to Virginia. Have a great holiday, all y'all who are celebrating. Oh, what the heck, everybody else have a great weekend too!
Crap, Hec. Shitloads of punctuation to EM.
t mememe
Ngah. My coworker - that's the only other person teaching my yeargroup - is starting to do my head in a bit.
He's got several years' experience with Year 2 and I've never taught them before, so I've very much deferred to his expertise. And rightly so - he knows what he's doing. He's done most of the planning, in fact - despite the fact that I actively offered to go halves, and wanted and expected to, because he was all 'no, I'll do it, I've done it before, I know what I'm doing, it's no problem' to the point where I was all 'well...okay then. But this is
not fair
on you.'
(I am doing some of the planning, but he's done far more of it.)
Right now our schedules are pretty comprehensively fucked, because the Christmas play is eating into maybe half of our teaching time, one way or another. However, in theory he's planning the maths and I'm planning the literacy. Except that we're still using last week's maths and last week's literacy, having only got half way through it last week. So I guess he's frustrated about that, maybe - I know I'm a bit frustrated about trying to fit things into not enough time.
Last week my TA was away all week supporting the Year 5 and 6 trip to Chiang Mai. Which is fine - a full-time TA is a gift, not a right, and although it increased my workload it was still doable. I mean, I was at school for 12 hours straight most days, but that was my own choice. I didn't have to do that. I just had stuff I wanted to sort out - displays and setting up new exercise books and various things. So I guess I was probably not as patient as I could have been last week, because I had a little more pressure than normal.
He is a nice bloke. Easy going, friendly, gay as a treeful of monkeys, good with the kids, professional, all that. He's helpful and generally a good laugh. Last week, however, he pissed me off
beyond the telling of it.
And although we didn't have an argument, as such, I signally failed to hide the fact that I was just furious. (And I still think he was being a dick. I appreciate that he was maybe tired and/or frustrated with me or with the kids, but he was still being a total dick.) And I kept being pissed off for about three days - and I could do civil, but I really couldn't manage bubbly.
However, I've sucked it up and have tried to be friendly and bridge buildy, and we're both being civil and even 'friendly', but I get the feeling that actually he just can't stand me now. The atmosphere is just way frostier than of yore.
Which is a pain in the ass, frankly.
I read too quickly last night. I thought Cass's mom hit the dear. So, let me redistribute my hugs and thoughts to Cashmere's family. Cass, your family can keep those. I have extras.
Ick, Fay.
Happy Thanksgiving, American Buffistas!
Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who cares. Happy staying-sane-day around wacky and/or wacked out family, friends, cow-orkers, and strangers to all and sundry.
Ah, no mom did not hit any deer or snow. We're hoping her luck holds today driving up here from Le Uncle's. Also hoping she doesn't hit traffic much.
Funny, I read that last night as "Cash" and not "Cass" because I pronounce them similarly. Also because it was really about her and not me.
I loathe and hate insomnia. I think I am giving up and getting a bagel. Oh! And making coffee as I now have dairy for it. Mmmm, coffee.
Happy Turkey to all who do poultry. And relaxing days to all.
Happy Turkey day to those who celebrate, or at least partake!
I have coffee, part of a bagel and am watching tv shows that my mom won't appreciate - those with violence or anything disturbing, so mostly everything on my tv.
Oh, and technically I should be folding up a brazilian loads of laundry. Or thinking up a place to hide it.
Is mom coming up later, Cass?
She's on her way now. Should be here in a couple of hours at most.