When you say ridiculously high triglycerides....what range are you talking about? Without meds, DH's numbers are in the thousands, like 3500. He insists that dietary changes don't help him so he is on the max dose of his cholesterol meds.
I used to try to work with him to make dietary changes and encourage him to reduce his med load, but he is so stubborn, I have given up.
I don't remember the exact numbers. I'm on meds and dietary changes. With my family history -- mother had double bypass at 39, uncle died of a heart attack at 35 -- and the fact that my cholesterol has been at least moderately high since I was about nine, my doctor and I decided that meds for my triglycerides were a good idea, starting when I was about 19. Even with the meds, my triglycerides definitely fluctuate (within the normalish zone) depending on how well I'm eating.
juliana, I discovered low fat cream cheese or a little bit of feta still gives me cheese without huge amounts of fat.
I refuse to live in a world without cheese.
Ugh. The political calls are rolling in.
Last night, I was bombarded with all the Yes/No proposition ads.
I vote 'Yes' on P-C being awesome!
My area code is a N.O. one. No political calls! Probably helps me stay excited about voting.
I refuse to live in a world without cheese.
Me, too. I will give up deep-fried foods. I will even give up fatty meats. I will not give up cheese.
I vote 'Yes' on P-C being awesome!
The smoking proposition is maddening because the Yes ads are "It's for our health! Don't let Big Tobacco fool you!" And the No ads are endorsed by, like, public school teachers and stuff. I wish they would stop letting issues cloud the issues.