Are you considering looking for another job, Aimee?
No, not really. I love it here. I love my bosses and I love the company. G said he could be flexible as long as business hours were covered. Since I has to drop her kids off at 7:30, she won't be there until just after 8, so she'll be staying til 5. I think they'll let me do 6-3. Or maybe 7-4.
Then again, it all depends on what job Joe gets and what his hours will be.
How's Emmett dealing?
Okay. He's sad that he can't see Aidan. I can't imagine it's good to see his Mom a nervous wreck, barricading her door every night and sleeping with a lead pipe next to the bed.
I can't imagine it's good to see his Mom a nervous wreck, barricading her door every night and sleeping with a lead pipe next to the bed.
Nope. Not good at all.
I feel so sorry for Aidan, too, though. Sounds like he has no one right now, with his mom gone and EM gone, and his dad turned psycho stalker guy. Poor kid.
And, we aren't having an office Christmas party, to boot.
Joining AmyLiz's bandwagon. Someone needs to do something for Aidan. Unfortunately, anyone connected with EM is the last person in any position to do anything.
I bought The Velveteen Rabbit over the weekend
I just love this book, in the sense of sobbing nonstop. Also, my cousin raises rabbits and has developed a couple of new breeds. One breed, she was waiting until it was consistent before submitting it to the ARBA. Unfortunately, some folks on the East Coast didn't bother following the rules, so we have Jersey Woolies instead of Arctic Angoras. However, she's less bitter than I, and moved on to developing another breed: Velveteen Rabbits! I don't think she's going to bother getting them approved by the association, and I don't have any pictures, but they're a cross between rex rabbits and English lops (picture these: but imagine them very big).
lib, take juliana up on her offer, she has a lovely mom.
There is much temptation. I'm even more tempted to visit by aunt, and skip the trip from Anchorage to Homer. Now, mom is being all sweetness and light, and I am very confused.
Why can't November go pick on EM's ex for a while, and leave the rest of us who never did it no harm alone?
Aimee - DH's "Holiday" party is in a different state. On the other coast. Bah, humbug.
Tom's holiday party is No Spouses. Lame.
That is uber lame, Nora. Is it a day time thing?
Someone needs to do something for Aidan.
EM contacted her ex's family and friends last month asking them to step up and help Aidan. Don't know how much they can do.