Robert Altman died [link]
Sad now.
I'm about to head off to Nashville for Thankgiving. I few general thoughts in my direction to help keep me from strangling my relatives or dying of boredom would not be amiss.
Beth's hair looks great!
May all the ick-ridden bitches get well quickly.
That's something I've never understood - if someone isn't harassing someone else and doesn't plan to have anything to do with them, why do they object to the restraining order?
If a person hadn't done what the other person was accusing him of doing in order to obtain the restraining order, I can't imagine not fighting it. If the person has done what the person is accusing him of, then he's insane and/or evil, and does not want his freedom limited and his stalking curtailed, so he's going to fight it.
and why are courts so reluctant to grant them?
I would imagine they don't like to restrain a person's freedom without real proof that it's necessary. Of course, that's in my America, which I hear tell is largely/often only in my head.
Nope. He's behaved since he got the temporary restraining order. The dozens of calls a day from a blocked caller ID stopped too.
ut she was very freaked that he had escalated into the violence and putting his fist through her window. She's been barricading her door at home - feeling like she's under siege. He definitely put the fear in her.
That's why I'm going. There's no legal reason for me to be there. She just doesn't want to face him alone.
I will have to restrain the urge to pinch his fucking head off. But there will be glaring.
Thank goodness. If there was ever anything real worth loving about him, I hope the reality of the situation got through to that part, and that he will leave EM alone forever now, and get himself some help.
Hec, bless you (and JZ) for all you're doing for EM. I'm so proud of how you all do family.
{{{{Hec, JZ, EM}}}}
Snerk. Someone just stopped by my cube and tried to guess what I was listening to on iTunes - "Blondie? Queen? The Who? The Clash?" I had to tell him that the last 4 songs were from Steve Earle, Waylon Jennings, the cast of "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer", and David Allan Coe, but I like all of the bands he guessed. He just blinked at me.
Hugh Laurie, American Sex Symbol
God, those eyes . . . then I catch re-runs of "Jeeves and Wooster," and I'm all verklempt and confused. "But he's a dork! A cute sort of dork, but--Wooster! Standing there all dumbfounded with his mouth hanging open!" It took me quite a while to realize that Wooster and the guy with the stubble and the piercing stare and the reluctant smile were the same guy.
It took me quite a while to realize that Wooster and the guy with the stubble and the piercing stare and the reluctant smile were the same guy.
Heh. My father when stunned when I pointed that out to him just last night.
I'd first seen him on "Blackadder", playing another upper class twit (the Prince Regent), then Bertie Wooster ... it was hard making the two different characterizations add up.
"It's clever, it's unexpected..." "But that's not why people watch TV. Clever things make people feel stupid and unexpected things make them feel scared."
brenda, where's your tag from? It sounds so familiar.
I think my introduction to Hugh Laurie was in Stuart Little, the movie. Talk about a disconnect.
I'd first seen him on "Blackadder",
Lord, reconciling first season Rowan Atkinson as the idiotic Prince and the suave Elizabethan courtier in the second season was another occasion of mental whiplash. "That's the same guy? No, it's not. They got someone else. That's him? Gah!"
I think my introduction to Hugh Laurie was in Stuart Little, the movie. Talk about a disconnect.
I had seen Blackadder, but I didn't even put Stuart Little's dad together with that, much less House at first.