Ailleann - he is legal.
Oh, I know. But it's my friend's cousin, and it feels a little icky.
We were discussing the interview he has with Hollister today. They have people who just stand around the store and look pretty. Therefore, I got tickets to the gun show.
Lovely Emmett story - yet bittersweet.
Meanwhile, I just did that thing that you shouldn't do, i.e., answer an email to all when you meant to answer to one.
Luckily, this should proof more annoying than anything else.
Ailleann, Special Hell is populated by some of the best people. You won't be alone.
Argh. An email list that I'm on for birthright israel alumni, one that's usually just "Guess what! I got a new job!" or "You're all invited to my party!" or "Here's a neat-sounding event for young Jewish singles!" or stuff like that, has become a whole bunch of political debate in the past few days. Most of us on the list are Democrats, with just a few Republicans, and so far it's just been three emails, but that's three more political emails than there have been since this list was started a year and a half ago. And I know that this latest email (which is essentially "Here's why the Democrats represent the Jewish position on just about everything better than the Republicans do") is going to bring forth a bunch more debate.
ray sounds way too cute.....
will be voteing soon
then coffee
that's why you fill out the sample ballot the night before.
Okay, so I'm filling out this dating thing (long story), and I need to send a picture. I have the F2F pic (slightly blurry, so it looks filtered, accidentally sultry) It's a good pic, but isn't representative of me. Should I send it anyway?
My answering machine just caught a political message. I thought those were illegal on voting day.
You're welcome to use my F2F pic of you, Vortex.