That sounds like a great show, Sean! I love that sort of thing. Wish I could have seen it.
This morning I went to put the wad of bills in my pocket and I had to go through my OCD bill facing but I was having trouble with the five.
Oh my God! You do this too? Oh thank goodness. They all have to face up! Otherwise, CHAOS WILL REIGN!
Yes people think I am a special kind of crazy when they watch me count a stack of random bills. My right hand pivots 180 degrees every time I encounter one facing the wrong way but I still go through them quite rapidly. It probably looks like I am doing card tricks.
I don't think I did it when I was working a register, but in my wallet, they definitely have to be proper.
OCD bill facing
I'm a server/bartender. Everything has to be faced.
I treat my bills like I treat my underwear--just shove them all willy nilly in there and let them revel in their anarchy.
Wish I could have seen it.
The producers of the show have been franchising it all over the place. Other productions of it are opening in Milwaukee and Chicago (I think), and I just heard last night that there was one or two other places they're taking it very soon.
So, eventually, it may just wind up playing in SF. Your cast won't be as great as our cast, of course (unless they all decide to go to SF for a run), but keep your eyes peeled in the theater listings up there. You may get your wish, sooner than you think.
OCD bill facing
I was a cabbie in Ann Arbor for six years, so I regularly face my bills, but I was, as I said, a cabbie, so I'm not at all OCD about it, and only do it when I feel like it or think about it.
I will, however, usually face all bills before handing them to the person at the register.
I, like my wallet, am currently going commando.
JenP: strikingly hot, sporting possibly the best tattoo EVAH. Slightly intimidating, actually, because she seemed so cool. (I am easily intimidated. In some ways.)
While the description is lovely, that's not JenP, that's Jen(no last initial) - she's Original Jen, who is a nurse in addition to being strikingly hot and having the best tattoo ever. Sadly, I have never met Fay, (or Jen!). I'm not a nurse, and wow are those patients who will
have me lucky.
There is anarchy in my underwear drawer (pretty much all over my room in fact) but the bills in my pocket are faced and in order.
Original Jen is sometimes aka
Jen K,
if that's helpful.