Regarding playing Halo 2 and fragging your friends and loved ones, I'm all for it. Alas, I do not currently have an XBox Live account... Maybe I'll buy myself one for Christmas.
Also, does anyone know if one can play Halo 2 via XBox Live between XBox and Xbox 360s? (Since I now have the old-school XBox, many thanks to KristinT!!)
Welcome home, ND! See you soon for some festive holiday theatre.
Oh, libkitty. I'm so sorry you have to listen to that. Would it make things worse if you gently laid some ground rules.
Oh, {{{libkitty}}} I am so sorry. She has no idea the damage her attitude does.
Would it make things worse if you gently laid some ground rules.
Neither worse nor better. I've tried that, but then she says that I'm trying to say she's not allowed to talk, at least not about anything serious, and then ignores any ground rules I've tried to set. Seriously, because I don't want to hear her trash my dad (nasty divorce
34 years ago
), I'm in denial about all of my childhood trauma.
Usually, I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty ok about things. Just every now and then she catches me by surprise and I feel like I'm about 13.
{{{libkitty}}} I'm sorry you're having to deal with that. Weight really has nothing to do with how self-assured or insecure a person can be and I think your mother's insecurities are running rampant right now. I doubt this is anything new for you and it sucks that you've had to deal with this kind of stuff at all. I wish I could give you a big hug.
Strength to you, when she comes to visit. I hope it can be a good one.
{{{libkitty}}} I'm so sorry your mom is acting like that. Much strength and wisdom to you, m'dear.
{{libkitty}} Strength~ma to you. I hope the day with her passes by quickly.
((((libkitty)))) I'm so sorry. The only advice I have for you is what my dear friend M. finally started doing with her overbearing and difficult mother: everytime her mom went off on a tangent, M. would mentally add "and porn!" at the end of each sentence, Avenue Q style. It's the modern-day equivalent to imagining someone in her underwear.
SexM, yes, Halo works cross-platform, no worries. We have a regular X-box and a 360 in the house now.
Pete, I'm not particularly into shooters, but it's hard to resist the opportunity to gang up against play with you.
Thanks guys, so much. I'm actually thinking of rearranging my plans to spend the week with other relatives, but I'm giving myself a day or two before I make any decisions.