(Because Supernatural likes carrots, am now picturing Winchester based Fernet bodyshots.)
Somebody (Raq?) said, wrt writing The Adventures Of Ray as a kids' book, they'd be interested to know how I fitted the slash in?
Piece. Of. Cake.
Honestly, Ray and his friend C are already bosom buddies and both are quite sensitive wee souls who have been known to burst into tears over wounded feelings at the drop of a hat. And then in my colleague's class there are 2 of the
wee boys in the history of time. They crack us up with their screaming campness. Bless.
teaching moves to go with Christmas song:
...and you COULD kiss the person next to you on the cheek, at this point, if you want.
(very earnest)
But I don't have a boyfriend!
OR a girlfriend!
I need another toothbrush to add to my collection.
I can leave a toothbrush? I love leaving toothbrushes, cause it means future fun.
Well, who doesn't?
I'm saying...
It's fire, and booze and no shattered glass or electrocution...
What more could we want.
It was *outside* the tub, on a stool. Sheesh. And I thought you knew me. I learned my lesson when my iPod drowned.
Drunnk now. And still sad and pissed. I should not type like this. However....
I take it this is another one of those liquers thae t tastes like licorice.
Chartruse does not taste like licorice. It tastes like grass clippings that sat in a garbage bag in the sun for waaay too long. Like Grass gone bad. It's made by monks who don't talk to each other.
On a stool you say? Well, then that's
I should not type like this. However....
it amuses us?
On a stool you say? Well, then that's sooper safe.
It was far from the tub. Pinky swear! There was no glass and no electronics that could go aswimming. I am a careful sort of girl.
I need to go to the Russian Baths and get scrubbed. Without a computer.
I want a Mosha scrub!
So, popquiz... Send or not send?
I'm swearing off boys forevah.
I can do that, right?