Laura is decidedly UNSUCKY. The day however is on notice.
DH's work doesn't do holiday parties--they do one Christmas event for kids--but you have to be age 4 to participate. I don't think we're going to get any invites for other parties.
It could be because we're pretty hermit-like and don't entertain ourselves.
Thanks guys. I think the best plan is to go to bed early and end this day. And there is that thing where I need to get to the office early and figure out how I trashed the phone system. I hope there is some hard reset or something.
Poor Sam next door. He was 83. Lived all his life here. Champion water skier, taught tennis, went to Hawaii every year for a surfing vacation. He was an architect of note locally. His dad was a concert pianist and Sam had 2 pianos at home, a baby grand and his "practice" piano. The practice piano was in a room right next to my laundry room so I often heard him play while I folded clothes. In recent years he was a person trainer for seniors at a local gym.
He was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma of the brain last year the week we got hit with Hurricane Wilma. I feel very bad that I didn't spend more time with him while I had the opportunity. His grandson is over to my house all the time playing with my boys. Anyway, RIP Sam, you were a very cool old guy. And my loved ones, use sunscreen.
Hugs, Laura. What a crap day.
Oh, Laura, he sounds wonderful! What a great, full life he must have had. I hope his family and friends are able to remember him with joy.
He did have a full wonderful life. It shocked the neighborhood so much when he fell ill. He was in awesome physical shape. I think we knew this, cancer sucks.
Hivemind question:
Will Naproxen (aka Aleve) help with fever? I have Aleve Cold & Sinus, which has the much needed pseudoephedrine that is the only drug to help my congestion, but I want to make sure it will also help the fever. The fever is making it much harder to work than is acceptable at this point.
ETA: Googling seems to say yes. I think I'll try it.
Poor Laura. But you don't suck.
Em's such a girl now! And cute, of course.
Fernet has this fabulous taste, once you get used to it. Sometimes I sip, sometimes I slam. Depends on the need.
(Because Supernatural likes carrots, am now picturing Winchester based Fernet bodyshots.)
(This whole re-watching so Paul can catch up thing isn't helping me get over the moony stage of fannish infatuation, is it?)
Yes, Aleve does reduce fever.
In better news, I thought of my SF friends today when I finally got around to checking my Astronomy picture of the day [link]
Cool. Fog is so rare here that I find it lovely.
Winchester based Fernet bodyshots.
Bunk. Where the hell is my bunk?
Hey, who was talking about their baseline temp being low?
Oh! Me, me, me! Of course, while I am still battling the end of the sick, it is hard to tell exactly what normal is for me but I am charting it and should know in about a week where the idle should be set. Wow, I think I am a car in that metaphor.
It's raining like whoa right now. Luckily most of the things I had to do today happened in times of mild to moderate rain. Still, time to make sure there is an umbrella and a coat in the car at all times. I suspect this is the, "Danger, Portland, danger" storm where we're gonna all the sudden getting an inch of rain. With strong winds as a gift with purchase.
Most awesome thing of the day? Splurged for a massage before my haircut and it was with a woman who has done sports med stuff and worked with chiros. Spent almost the whole time on my neck and then lymph massage on my chest and arms. Fucking brilliant. I have her name now so I can always request her. Fuck.Ing.Brill.
My chest is going to be in massive pain tomorrow likely because lymph massages always hurt especially a post-sick one. My neck though? I didn't know they could feel this good. And? Steam room and soaking tub when you get a treatment. My haircuts might have just gotten a LOT more expensive, but YAY!
I'm afraid I'm going to have to be agnostickal and say I think Fleuvog sounds like some German Natural Philosopher's name for "an dis-ease that afflicts the nasal passages and sinufes with an enflammation followed by an sloughing of the sheath, coupled with an imbalance of bodilly humours."
MM, We're calling that bronchitis with a sinus infection these days. Just FYI.
pays for MM to come up to SF and clean her apartment, stocks mucho booze in way of bribery
No kidding. I'll get half the ticket, juliana. He just needs to stop by Portland when he's done in SF. I mean ... floors. Cleaned. By not me. Wow.
S'not juliana's fault that the board is ill. I made it through seeing her both Friday and Saturday and did not get the ick. Didn't even get a hangover.
You did it wrong.
Oh no. All of you are figments of my imagination. Clovis says so.
I demand better (and more!) makeup in this case. And to go to Jilli's party tonight as well. I could pretend the bronchitis is consumption.