Hell, I'm smitten with the Bean and I have my own cutiehead kids to love on.
I will also be miffed when he calls me 32 times a day to report on his fun. Because he does miss me, you see, but he'd rather talk to me on the phone. Because if I was there, he wouldn't have to talk, now, would he?
Men, indeed. Or, you know, man.
I remember Eves, but I don't think I ever tried one.
all i can say about what beverly said , it well "what she said" . except Matt is not haveing fun, but I do here more from him on good days.
I'm back at work, and I just received flowers in sympathy. I also got two cards, one with everyone's signature and one from just my supervisor. It's really very, very kind of them, but now I feel bad because I'm not as upset by my MIL's death as the level of sympathy deserves.
Still, I'm glad I've got a raging head cold and can't smell the flowers. Cut flowers are lovely, but the scent screams "funeral" to me, which isn't something I want sitting on my desk all day.
but one of my friends smoked this brand that tasted vaguely of lemon.
Oh jesus, I remember when those came out. Like smoking Pledge.
My father used to embarrass me so much in high school because he smoked Virginia Slim 120s. This big, bearded guy with these little froo-froo cigarettes.
He smoked them because they were always two for one at the shop by his office.
but now I feel bad because I'm not as upset by my MIL's death as the level of sympathy deserves.
Use it to balance the times when they aren't as sympathetic as they should be.
Like smoking Pledge.
I always liked the smell of lemon Pledge. Hee. I guess I just wasn't ever a serious smoker.
Ok, YAY camels! But...Hmm. Camel milk ice cream? Kinda odd.
I'd still try it.
Theodosia should try it since she can't eat anything cow.
catching up...
Since the kids have been off on visitation, Avatar has been void from the tv for 5 whole days. My son adores the show and was Ang for Halloween, but I enjoy listening from afar or while reading. I consider "tv time with mom" quite valid even if I have my nose in a book.
As for smoking, I coated my lungs with full throttle Winstons in college. The theatre building had a large hallway lined with furniture positioned between the green rooms, make-up, and the stage entryway. You could always count on sitting in a blue haze.
I quit when I was 20, resuming every so often when the alcohol kicked in the cravings. This summer I relished in the new Camel exotic blend metal tins with names like Twist (citrus flavor), Snake Eyes Scotch, and Midnight Madness. The Twist is my favorite on special occasions. The tins are fairly groovy.
AmyLiz, let me know if you want some of these empty tins. I believe you know my email?