Happy birthday, Hil!
Argh. The dealership called with the final estimate -- the coolant system is leaky as hell and practically everything needs replacing, and in addition all four brake pads are slowly going to shit (the brakes had been intermittently making odd little noises for many months, but the last time I brought the car in they said everything was fine, just maybe noisemaking as a result of changes in temperature and metal shifting and whatnot but not to worry or replace, oh no not at all, grr argh WHATEV) and the transmission needs tweaking. Total: $1900. Won't get the car back until Wednesday afternoon.
We missed one, exactly one, scheduled maintenance check-up in the midst of all the bed rest to early baby kerfuffle -- how the hell could the car have gone so completely to pieces in those eight weeks?
The universe is at least tossing us crumbs, though sadly not in the form of a sudden windfall or an indestructible car: Matilda continues to be unbearably cute and has entirely de-fussed herself this morning, and yesterday afternoon our next-door neighbor (a nurse just moved here from Iowa who has volunteered to sit for Matilda anytime she's home and we need a break -- go team Midwest Nice!) dropped off a loaf of fresh-from-the-oven pumpkin bread.
The stationery thing sounds fun!
We're supposed to get 14-22 inches of snow in the next day and a half. I can't decide if that sounds like fun or not. Fortunately, I don't have to drive in it. Unfortunately, I do have to walk. Outside. And it will probably rain afterwards and then freeze. Blech.
Also, healing ~ma, car ~ma, and Happy Birthdays!!!
Ack, JZ! Stupid car. Nice baby!
Oh, JZ! That's so frustrating! I'm so sorry.
{{{JZ and Hec}}} So sorry about the car troubles.
Do you need an email for/from me, Vortex?
no, I've got you on the list.
Stupid car.
Er...JZ is not a stupid car. JZ's car is a stupid car.
Get well~ma to them that needs it.
Happy B-day to Hil!
Happy belated B-day to Jessica!
Happy birthday, Hil!
Happy belated birthday, Jessica!
{{JZ & Hec}}
Ooooh! Jilli I had the craxiest dream about you, your friends, and Halloween.
Details! I want details! Especially since I crave distraction from the never-ending editing deadline!
There was also a bit about me and one of your male friends.
Ooh? Who? Which of the boys?
Details! I want details! Especially since I crave distraction from the never-ending editing deadline!
A group of your friends went as hedonists to a great big outdoor Halloween party. You pulled around a cart of different colored balloons labeled different things, and your friend pushed around a helium tank and ribbons. They were kind of like Indulgences that you can buy at Ren Faires.
The mint green balloons were labeled "Pestilence".
And I hooked up with one of your gorgeous male friends. He was tall, kind of stocky, had medium length curly drak brown hair and was wearing a red satin ruffly pirate shirt and black knee pants with tall pirate boots.
He was a very good kisser.