New Zealand's high school students will be able to use "text-speak" -- the mobile phone text message language beloved of teenagers -- in national exams this year, officials said.
Geez. They're a long way from my high school, where we had automatic F errors for things like using the word "ain't" and writing "alot" instead of "a lot."
Funny, I was just complaining to my dad about the poor writing, both style and content, I see in published papers in this field. I told him to start beating that into his grad students and he just started laughing a little hysterically.
Woo Hoo! My children will have higher test scores, for sure.
Did we know this? Hugh Laurie helps rescue Sacha Baron Cohen from beating after SNL. [link]
Im n ur class takin ur test.
Also, New Zealand = CRAXY. In this instance, at least.
My former English teacher would find a way to give you TWO Fs now, tommy.
Swallow any liquids before clicking the link below.
Have you guys seen this?
A friend of mine has an English degree and she didn't know that 'alot' isn't a word....
Im n ur class takin ur test.
I need to know more about the Sacha Baron Cohen/Hugh Laurie subway ride. Like, was it
after SNL? (I.e., in the middle of the night on the weekend) Or did they keep hanging out together after? Or did Hugh Laurie just happen by?