I dreamed ita died - it was very tragic, it was slow and aware and we were all there. And after she was dead we went into her apartment and found the red satin fringed bra-top and bonsai kittens.
flea, between the above and your tag:
If I hadn't promised Mother, on her deathbed, that I wouldn't kill you, I would *kill* you. - Hopper
you're scaring me a little this morning.
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Happy Birthday Hil! I hope it's wonderful.
Eek! Got a nice response to a profile I put on on a lefty dating site. Now what do I do?
Well, dang it! I missed Jessica's birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday, Jessica!
'Back of Bush's Head Was Damaged'
The indignities continued for George W. Bush as angry gamblers slapped around his wax-museum likeness in Las Vegas.
Bush’s head suffered about $25,000 in damages when a Madame Tussaud’s visitor attacked it the day before last week’s elections.
This is reportedly the first time one of the wax statues has been knocked over by a customer, although the Bush figure suffers regular abuse from tourists “pinching his nose.”
If you're interested in signing a petition that says "Ann Coulter does not speak for me," you can find one here: [link]
I have a blueberry scone!