Ick. Our CIO loves his reports and forms and logs and assorted other "paper"work.
Personally, I'm drowning in employee access requests, which suck to process to begin with, and completely lacking in caring about my job or this company. But if I don't do them, my co-workers are going to really miffed I left them for them.
It'll be fun to see if any of my co-workers notice.
I think that the fun part will be if any of them have the nerve to say anything :)
What are the odds that this [link] will be right over me if I wait another 15 minutes to leave?
quietly as not to trigger anything
I think that the fun part will be if any of them have the nerve to say anything :)
If anyone does, I plan on smiling embarassedly and saying "You know how it is when you try to grab a bite to eat on the run; you always spill something".
Dammit. A bit late on the meds. Ah, well. One status report down, now onto the demo. And then to complete the other report.
Timelies all!
Have no idea what I'm doing for Halloween this year, although dance practice is cancelled for that day. If I'm gonna do a costume, it'll probably be something lame like buying a set of cat ears and a tail at a Halloween store and wearing that with a completely black outfit.
Ooh. I could shave my head and go as a hairless cat.
Ooh. I could shave my head and go as a hairless cat.
You could. You still wouldn't be a cat, but that's okay.