Can I blather about Top Chef a wee bit?
This is the second week we've had very framed accusations of cheating. It's no surprise to me that Lee Ann was brought in to help with the rules, because obviously the show isn't making it clear enough. While I'm inclined to believe that the (first) incident of cheating on Project Runway was pretty manufactured, I'm getting really bored with the concept and the drama Bravo is wringing out of it.
That being said, I was extremely impressed with most of the amuse-buses that were produced. You look at them and you have no idea that they were from a vending machine. The obvious exception to that, however, is Mike's; and I still maintain his ass should have been gone last week. There's only so much editing does to try and create a character, particularly when how your dish is plated and the taste of two separate (or four separate, or an entire room full of fireman) people can *totally be seen on camera without gratuitous editing.* Jeez. I'm sure he trained at a fine culinary institute and he might be an excellent cook, but he is a poor chef. And that is a particular difference.
The not-quite name calling was tacky and I expected better from Sam. While betty probably should have brought the recipe change up with Tom or someone, she also should have known better about the damn meringues. I mean, the point of this entire competition is to put you through the wringer, creatively and skillfully, and see who comes out at the end. If you can't cut it, and particularly if you fuck up for some reason, you are out, because the general motivation is "who can do the best for the longest." While Betty has done very well the last two challenges, and obviously had a well-conceived idea in this one, if you fuck up something as basic as using *splenda* in a recipe that has roughly two ingridients, egg whites and sugar, you are very likely going to get booted off, a la Emily last week. And boy was she bitchy about it; but she should have known better than to serve something inedible.
Either way, this is extraordinarily entertaining to watch this season.