I actually brought that up in class, and my prof was quite intrigued that a community would seriously discuss that type of voting system.
Huh. I'm not sure how I should take this.
I think I didn't say it very well before. I was being succinct. I was specific in that it was an online community. I think she was surprised that we thought it through that much. To which I had to explain that we're kind of a highly intelligent and thought-processing group. Which then brought up the question of what kind of online community we were. To which I responded, "Oh, Buffy." And then people laughed. And we moved on.
vw, I'm reading your voting question as saying "If one and only one voter has veto power, how many votes are needed to pass a measure?" Is that correct?
If so, then I'd assume the answer's 71.
Ok. I think I get that. Can you give a little more explanation just to get me over the hump?
Oh, man. Must get my ass to NY one of these days.
you really should, miss brenda
I'm going to NJ for Christmas, if that counts!
IOohmygodthisistoocuteN, giggles!
Ok. I think I get that. Can you give a little more explanation just to get me over the hump?
Sure. If 30-vote voter votes against, then the best the others can do is rack up 70 votes. But then if 29-vote voter votes against, the others can come up with 71 votes. If only one of them has a veto, then 71 votes must be ok to pass this thing, but 70 votes is not. Therefore, 71 votes must be needed for a measure to pass.
Can't people just come to LA? I can't travel these days.
Humour me.
Therefore, 71 votes must be needed for a measure to pass.
Gotcha. You're awesome. Thank you!
Strega is also awesome, but I think this is what the prof is looking for.
I'd love to visit NY. Hey, I have a job with decent vacation time. Maybe I will get up to NY within the next year or so. Could be fun.
I'm wondering if Cheney's going to resign "for health reasons" soon, so Bush can stock the VP slot with a Republican presidential hopeful.
Can't people just come to LA?
Dude. I live here and I'm just never invited to visit.