I felt sorry for Santorum's kids, too. They were having such a hard time trying to be all stoic, and they just couldn't hold it together.
I thought his concession speech was gracious, I'll say that much. But I also think he shouldn't have brought his kids out like that.
I thought Santorum's concession speech was pretty gracious.
I'm also ridiculously fond of this picture of the Santorum family: [link]
I watched it last night, and also felt bad for the kids (one of his sons was crying, too). Not bad enough to want their dad in office, mind you, but bad because they're years away from understanding why their dad lost or realizing how fucked-up their parents' ideology is.
Yeah, this.
Half of my department is out sick, but I wish I had taken the day off, too -- between the fact that I can't stop reading news/blogs/here, and the torrential diagonal rain outside, it is not a good day to be at work.
Eh, I think I'm ambivalent, I mean sure it sucks for your dad not to be in office anymore, but you're not going to starve while he's out of work. Also, have your parents taught you nothing about losing (which now that I remember some Republicans' sense of entitlement, prolly not)? Happens. Sucks. But it happens.
Santorum's nuts, but I'll give him this, so far as I can tell he's not a hypocrite.
I took the time out from an ultra-busy workday to come in here and say WOOHOO about the Rumsfeld news.
I'm torn between being a terrible person for laughing at the "No, you can't have a pony" picture, and feeling terribly sorry for those kids. Especially for those horrible outfits they're wearing.
Ok - accidental or intentional - Loving on Santorum's son right now.
I felt bad for his kids because their lives have just been changed radically. This is the only life they've known and it must be kind of freaky for them.
In completely unrelated news, the TWoP thread for last night's House episode is making me feel OLD. People don't know
Dwayne Wade! People are seeing John Larroquette and saying, "hey, that's the guy from the 10th Kingdom!"