I just want ONE word of concession. I want some sign that he knows that he underestimated the American people.
Hellllllllllllllllllo. You awake?
Also? Please to not watch teh Bush. He gives you a chemical imbalance.
Today I succeeded in ingesting my coffee rather than wearing it, although I think going to bed at a decent hour instead of refreshing CNN until the wee hours might have worked better.
Not inter-occular ingestion, right?
Speaking of coffee, I think I'll get more, and go watch (read watch not watch watch) the Freepers, even though my college roomie is coming over at 3ish and my house is a disaster area.
I can't vouch for the math in that Montana election stuff. I just hope it's true.
The poster who compared the election to 9/11 scares me. A lot.
The poster who compared the election to 9/11 scares me. A lot.
Their posts are all along the lines of:
"Now the terrorists can come to America,"
"The American public deserves what it voted for -- Tax & Spend and Cut & Run,"
"The voters are stupid, lazy, uninformed, etc."
That last one made me want to ask them if those are the EXACT SAME voters who elected a Repub majority only 2 years ago.
CNN is talking about Rick Santorum's loss. It puts a smile on my face.
Man, those are some scared and scary people. I'd feel sorry for them if they weren't such BASTARDS to liberals over the past two elections. They can EAT IT.
Hoo boy yeah. I had to back away quickly because I went over there before Teppy added
Be warned -- it's freaktastic right-wing paranoia at its worst. One poster said that yesterday was "the worst day since 9-11."
I should have known since it was Free Republic, land of the dittoheads. I hope they have to live with the feeling of "what the hell happened to MY country" for a long, LOOOOONG time since they seemed to take so much glee in making everyone who disagreed with them feel the same way for the last 6 years (or more counting some of the crap they pulled while Big Dog was still in office).
"The voters are stupid, lazy, uninformed, etc."
To be fair, I was saying this in 2004.
I gave up. I kept trying to see who would be my new senator in Virginia (oh, did I say new? Freudian slip) and finally went to bed when CNN was reporting them tied at 49%. Woke up this morning to the screaming Wash Post headline DEMOCRATS TAKE BACK THE HOUSE. Loving life right now.
"The voters are stupid, lazy, uninformed, etc."
To be fair, I was saying this in 2004.
Oh, me too. It's just funny to me because those same voters are the ones who voted in 2004 in ways the Freepers approved. And now they're suddenly lazy and uninformed?
I wanted to ask, where do they get all their "facts" from? And then I remembered - the right-wing media. These people are living in a bubble....
A lot of posters are saying that the Democrats will raise taxes on everyone - rich, poor, middle-class. AFAIK, some Democrats have proposed raising the taxes on the rich (or reversing W's tax cuts for the rich) but that's it.