Shit, I can't believe the GPS thing for sex offenders is passing by such a large margin. It's deeply dumb and will cost the state millions of dollars to implement without making the world in any way safer for children. It's not real-time monitoring, and even if it were, who is going to fund having someone watch these men, while we can't provide adequate rooms or medical care for the felons who are still incarcerated?
With any luck it'll be challenged and found unconstitutional.
The eminent domain statute bothers me too. Bah.
okay. tea with honey, butterrum lifesavers, orange juice. Now to sleep.
Weird election. I wonder what will come of it.
Webb and Tester are up too. Could happen. Should happen. Might happen. Is happening.
I like laura's view - and it looks possible
Webb and Tester are up too.
Allen's already said he will challenge the results. The state will pay for a recount since it's so close. There's still a large amount of the 130,000 absentee ballots to count.
I'm really liking the ouster of a number of redbirds in PA....
CNN's called Missouri for the Dems! Isn't that thoughtful of them?
I wonder what will come of it.
Bush is a lame duck for two years and basically none of his agenda moves forward. Probably some indictments. Lots of pressure to get an exit plan for Iraq but nothing will happen until after the next Presidential election.
My hands are raw. Why? Democracy! Took a temp gig helping sort ballots. From 7 to 10pm tonight I did nothing except hang out in a warehouse filled with city owned parade floats and Red Cross emergency vehicles. From 10 to Midnight we sorted a thousand 90 lb bags. And by sort I mean dragged those fuckers all over a warehouse to their appropriate polling place number. I probably dragged about sixty of them in the two hours, so that's a few tons of democracy. You're welcome America.
that's a few tons of democracy. You're welcome America.
You exist!
I heart democracy but I kinda thought it was like unicorns and myth-y. Also dependent of being a virgin.