YES! DH and I both thought so, but couldn't quite put our fingers on why, though -- maybe just being a less popular site, it's not quite so pristine and tourist-ready? It felt much more like wandering around an old house than visiting a museum. We loved it. Plus, forest!
I think it is for all those reasons, especially the intimacy of it (for a ginormous palace). Plus, my mom is from the town where Diane de Poitiers had her chateau (FYI, seen at the beginning of
when Bond flies off with the jet pack) and I love the story of Henri II decorating Fontainebleau with interlocking Hs and Cs (for Catherine de Medicis) that actually formed Ds for Diane. Also, I hate the tour guides at Versailles with a passion.
BTW, I'm sure I suggested it for your last trip so I'm glad to see you finally listened!!
I was gonna say, there have to be half a dozen ladies here who know how to find out where to get this dress.
You know, I always forget about costume rentals. I'm straight up in improvise mode.
That federal judge who ruled in the Dover Intelligent Design case? The Republican appointed by Bush?
Received death threats.
Is that the same poor judge who was ostracized by his church, or am I conflating ugly stories?
ita, you might have to jury-rig shoulderpads, but here's a good place to start: [link]
Something to make you feel better, sumi: cute kitties!
Matt, I've bookmarked your post, since it appears work won't let me look at that from here.
OR! Instead of looking at costume rentals, maybe contacting the local SCA and seeing who they have that knits "chainmail".
Okay, that was a SILLY kitty. But it made me laugh -- thanks Kathy.