what is the Breakfast Temp thing- you go in and wait to see if something happens?
Yeah. You get yourself put together and go to the main office and wait to see if someone needs you for the day. And if they don't, you don't get paid; you've just wasted your day. Fun times.
I'm so excited to watch Jon and Stephen tonight.
Me too! I can't find an ahem for last night's, though, which is sad.
Yeah. You get yourself put together and go to the main office and wait to see if someone needs you for the day. And if they don't, you don't get paid; you've just wasted your day. Fun times.
Ooh, that's really annoying. I did that on my own at home for a while when I started temping -- got up at 7, showered and was ready to go when I called them at 8 -- but at least I was still at my house.
Yeah. You get yourself put together and go to the main office and wait to see if someone needs you for the day. And if they don't, you don't get paid; you've just wasted your day. Fun times.
It's the white collar equivalent of day laborers. Do they at least provide breakfast for you in the office? If not, they should change the name.
I voted this morning, representing braless women everywhere.
(I had to move my car, see, this is a weird month so we have two street-sweeping days in a row, so I was up and putting on car-moving clothes at 7:15, and I was like, it's okay to vote in your pajamas, right? And it was.)
(It is not like my pajamas -- supplemented with jeans and heavy sweater -- are obviously pajamas, especially not when covered with jeans and a heavys weater.)
Ha! Almost as great as when I was running around charging things to my (male) boss's credit card. With no problems ever.
I told the story of Neiman Marcus, didn't I? How I went there, and they didn't take Mastercard or Visa, which I found baffling by the way, and then I went back with my stepfather's Amex card -- different last name, obviously male first name -- and they took it, and then
even though it was an unsigned card,
they took it and let me sign my name to it.
Neiman Marcus: just begging to be defrauded.
This evidence has so convinced officials on the Animal Procedures Committee (APC), the experimentation watchdog in the UK, that it has recommended to ministers that the law governing animal testing be amended so all cephalopods are given the same protection as animals.
So what have cephalopods been considered until now, mushrooms?
In the US, at least, there are detailed rules for animal care and animal welfare that have to be followed by universities and other organizations that do animal research. I'm talking about thousands of pages of rules and guidances, layers of review committees, yearly reports, and inspections. Very expensive and cumbersome. But the rules only apply to vertebrates. Animal care rules don't apply to invertebrates, so from the federal perspective, cephalopods are not animals. You can treat them any way you like.
My county rocks: [link]
People at one precinct couldn't get in to vote this morning because the polling place was locked; the county immediately announced that that they'd delay announcing any results so that precinct could stay open late. Screw you, local news cycle, we're gonna give everyone their chance.
Neiman Marcus: just begging to be defrauded.
The (relatively) good news is that they do check on the back end -- Neiman Marcus was the one company that called me when people were getting credit cards in my name.
This video WILL make you smile: [link]
Ooh, that's really annoying. I did that on my own at home for a while when I started temping -- got up at 7, showered and was ready to go when I called them at 8 -- but at least I was still at my house.
Indeed. That's why I took the day off today--I just didn't think it was worth it to run around like a maniac for an 8:30 AM show-up for something that might not pay off. But I think I might have just been bumped downwards at the temp agency for deciding to stay out for the day. hell, at least I called them.
It's the white collar equivalent of day laborers. Do they at least provide breakfast for you in the office? If not, they should change the name.
I think they give you coffee. There might be pastry. I don't know, I haven't had to do it before; for the 2+ months I've been working for them, they've given me consistent work all over the phone. This is the first time I haven't had a back-to-back gig. It kind of sucks. But at least the rent got paid.