My clone could surely do better than the Cheney Administration with one arm tied behind her back.
A friend of mine, whose migraines were so intractable she was prescribed morphine, got one of those electric implants a few years ago and it really did work for her, so I'm glad to hear that the treatment is getting more accessible.
I was curious about that, too. Splashing, maybe?
We had no questions on our ballot. I was disappointed.
A rogue droplet of coffee forced itself out of the tiny little airhole in the lid and vengefully flung itself into my eye, howling, "FREEEEEEEEDOM!"
I voted a couple of weeks ago. All-mail saves money and ensures paper trail. But I kind of miss voting in person.
Mmmm... Democracy coffee.
I left early for work this morning, thinking I'd vote on the way in. I had the address for the polling place, and I was positive I knew how to get there. I drove up to the very busy street and made a right, thinking that the cross street I needed was a few blocks east. Wrong! So, I drove into work and googled the village hall's phone number to call and ask for directions. Turns out I should have turned left on the busy street, since what I needed was only a block west! Oh, well.
I'll go vote at lunchtime.
You can have some of our questions, Jess.
I don't want to go and vote, I want to send a hologram or something. So. Sleepy.
Plus, Blue State. We got the abortion and the stem cells. We may be going straight to hell, but the weather here sure is lovely.
It was about workers' compensation (a HOT topic here in Ohio).
What's the gist?
Workers shouldn't be compensated. Instead, all the money should go to Republicans and churches.