I desperately need shoes. So desperately, that I'm willing to go shoe shopping on a Sunday afternoon, where people will be in my way, and screaming children with poop-filled diapers will break glasses with their high pitched screeches of displeasure.
Pray for me.
Thank you all for you B-day wishes, expecially Cashmere, Debetesse, Alieean, Matt, Liese, bon bon, Jesse and Sumi!
Go with god, Allyson.
Very impressive, Jesse. I haven't gotten past "coffee is my friend" yet.
You've got three hours yet.
Be strong, Allyson.
I've washed two loads of laundry and a load of dishes. Well, the dishes are still going. I think that's enough house stuff for one day—I'll be heading to meet friends for a movie in about 45 minutes.
I have no shame—Ben McKenzie doing the Tyler Durden thing is enough to get me watching.
zomg he has been SO HOT this season I just want to pause the screen and look at him forever.
An hour and a half of coworker phone conference later, we've partitioned up the problems and made decisions-and-changes about enough of them that the databases should be theoretically usable on Monday morning.
They should so be glad I work for them. Like I said, this wasn't even a section I was in charge of.
Happy Birthday, CaBil!!! I hope it is a good one.
people will be in my way, and screaming children with poop-filled diapers will break glasses with their high pitched screeches of displeasure.
OMG, is Allyson going shoe shopping
in my house?????
Happy Borthday, Bil!
Y'all are making me think about the OC again, BAD.
I went to grocery store, got all of 5 items then went to dropoff things at two friends' places. I am worn out. Out of breath and I even had stops with eth errands. I am sooooo staying home tomorrow.