$450,000 in damages? From bedbugs?? How long do you have to ignore them before they eat THAT much furniture?
(Seriously, I had bedbugs in my old apartment a few years ago, and other than replacing the mattress they ate
Bedbugs don't eat furniture. They subsist on blood.
Clearly, you Northern Commies sent them down as spies.
In that case, maybe we can get some more?
I'm feeling an attack of schadenfreude comming on....
Kent "Dr. Dino" Hovind, founder of Creation Science Evangelism and the Dinosaur Adventure Land creationist theme park in Florida ("where Dinosaurs and the Bible meet!"), and his wife face more than 200 years in jail for tax fraud. (Previous post with backgroundhere.) Yesterday, Dr. Dino was found guilty on 58 counts, including not paying an $845,000 employee-related tax bill. From the Pensacola News Journal:
U.S. District Judge Casey Rodgers released Jo Hovind until sentencing but denied Kent Hovind's request to be released. He most likely will be detained at either Escambia County Jail or Santa Rosa County Jail until sentencing.
Kent Hovind, whose life's mission is to debunk evolution, says he and his employees are workers of God and therefore exempt from paying taxes. He pays his employees in cash and does not withhold their taxes or pay his share as an employer.
PS: msbelle, you're going to have to start watching your mouth.
YAY msbelle!!!!!! So very cool.
Note that this is not the whole point of my outrage, but it's annoying that Dungeons and Dragons is STILL the go-to title for "gaming is evil", and that any tiny tie you can make to it will prove your point.
I think it is the idea of spells that does it. When I was in middle school and playing D&D, my cousins thought it was witchcraft. To be fair there are a lot of spells listed with incantations like..
Upon casting this spell, the caster instantly liquefies the nitrogen in the atmosphere, causing a brief moment of intense cold to all in the area of effect. The intense cold causes 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster to a maximum of 10d6. This spell is basically the exact same as the spell fire ball but does cold damage instead of fire damage.
Be careful not to read that aloud or you might invoke the spirit of TSR and freeze your monitor.
W00T, msbelle! That's such wonderful news! I'm all teary.
Msbelle, that is FANTASTIC!!!!!