raised wholly on hoe-cake made of coarse-ground Southern corn, bacon and hominy, with an occasional...fricasseed bull-frog."
I love that his childhood diet proves his lack of worth. Oh how times change! Today, it would be, "I grew up so poor, I ate frogs from the pond sometimes! I walked uphill to the outhouse, both ways!! I may live in a ten-bedroom house today, but once upon a time, I did know what ordinary people were like!"
Unless he's got a twin, that's definitely Colin.
Shrift, thanks for the google info. Makes sense.
I'm a smoker and I bet I could do it. Why didn't he tell me? I need a hundred bucks.
Oh how times change!
Well, when you extend the franchise to non-landowners, you're gonna switch gears.
Well, there used to be duels involved, too.
An idea I can get behind.
Hominy is grits, right?
Ground up hominy (dried corn soaked in lye) is grits, though for all I know people may use hominy to mean grits too.
Hominy is grits, right?
Hominy is corn kernels that have had their skins removed by soaking the kernels in a lye solution. Grits are dried and ground hominy.