That's what I was thinking too shrift, even though it seems wrong in the "it shouldn't be an issue" sense.
That's what I thought, but when I Googled. According to Clark County:
"A Coroner Inquest is the fact-finding procedure that takes place anytime an individual dies at the hands of law enforcement. The purpose of this hearing is to publicly bring forth all of the details surrounding the incident causing this death, as described in Clark County Code 2.12. The panel of designated jurors hears the testimony of pertinent witnesses and, based on this information, reaches a verdict determining if the death was justifiable, excusable, or criminal."
So even though it shouldn't be an issue,
Greg will still have to go to a hearing and say he killed a kid,
which I imagine isn't a cakewalk.
The Hevesi thing is kind of funny. He mishandled money, promised to pay back money that he took for personal use and didn't pay back the whole thing, refuses to leave the race and
no one will endorse his opponent.
D'Amato was making fun of his "Columbia PhD, whoo-woo!" commercial on NY1 the other night. (I watched at lot of NY1 while I was home sick.)
Wonkette claims they may give a prize to the person who has the closest guess as to when Haggard checks himself in for treatment.
It'll have to be a full news cycle before Tuesday.
Isn't there a line in Corinthians about false apostles? Do these folks read their own book? Holy butt, I'm not even a Christian and I know bazillion dollar preachers are whack.
He mishandled money, promised to pay back money that he took for personal use and didn't pay back the whole thing, refuses to leave the race and no one will endorse his opponent.
Well, sure. Until a couple of weeks ago, the opponent was just some name on the other line of the ballot, you know? It's not like he was a serious candidate in any way.
I'm a firm believer that anyone who vehemently tells others what NOT to do is often secretly engaged in whatever behavior outrages them the most.
This is so often, very true.
See, Jimmy Swaggert,
Has it always been the case that winning politics hinges on mudslinging and scandal?
The Connecticut Courant warned that if Thomas Jefferson were elected, "murder, robbery, rape, adultery and incest will be openly taught and practiced." Federalist campaign literature described Jefferson as "a mean spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father...raised wholly on hoe-cake made of coarse-ground Southern corn, bacon and hominy, with an occasional...fricasseed bull-frog."
We had a milkman. My mother stopped using the milk delivery service when they abandoned glass bottles. We also had an egg lady.
I get farm eggs delivered to my door every weekend. I love it.
"a mean spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father...raised wholly on hoe-cake made of coarse-ground Southern corn, bacon and hominy, with an occasional...fricasseed bull-frog."
I think that qualifies as mud-slinging, yeah.
I don't recall where I saw or heard it, but there was a fabulous piece (pieces?) on the down and dirty campaigning pre-radio and tv. It was fabulously creative, slanderific and crude as is evidenced above.