Top Chef:
But obviously they didn't hold the entree thing against sam for his fruit salad. Who knows, man. But I think Cliff and Betty definitely got it right with the classics, and a twist. I wanted to eat them myself.
I feel bad for
Mike, though, because he is so screwed and he doesn't even know it. He's just blustering around in that kitchen, and he might make good food, but it's like Betty said--Top Chef is all about versatility. You have to make comfort food *and* give it presentation.
I can't wait for Marisa to kick her ass kicked off. Sooner rather than later, please. Though I actually find Elia more sleazy, especially after the Marcel drama. While I realize it was all very framed, he was being a whiny little bitch and needed a swift kick. I can see the comparison's to Stephen from last season, but Stephen, at least, was amusing to watch. I liked him, even as an asshole. I just don't like Marcel at all.
Criminal Minds:
That, while being a really thin plot to make it all happen, was an intense and creepy as hell episode. I loved it. Particularly the part where Mandy Patinkin is like, "I've got a bad feeling about this one." That's when you knew it wasn't going to end well. Also, JJ was really exceptionally hot in this episode, which I appreciated.
30 Rock: Anyone else watching?
It was really damn funny this week. I loved the shots of Kenny, because they were totally an excuse to get long panoramic shots of NYC while still being hilarious.
Top Chef redux:
also, it was a nice kick in the pants to Marcel that Betty won. Snap!
shrift, this is from like three hundred posts ago, but it was a sound investment for me to get the month-pass for the transport system. I wore that card out every month, and I know I saved a ton of money. I definitely reccomend investing in them.
So I just went to the dentist and got two fillings. Which, ugh, but I don't think I've had any new ones in 10+ years, and one of these is a replacement for an old one. ANYWAY, they're both on the top, so I thought that's good, I won't be drooly like you are with novacaine on the bottom. But when I got outside, I realized I couldn't smoke! I can't really purse my lips -- they just twisted and weird. Here in the privacy of my own home, I can kind of manage it, but it's still weird.
But when I got outside, I realized I couldn't smoke!
How did I never realize you smoked?
Because I'm ashamed of my dirty, dirty habit? I'm sure I've smoked in your vicinity.
Yeah, odds are good if we were inside together for a period of time (say, a meal), and then went outside, I lit up.
Yeah, odds are good if we were inside together for a period of time (say, a meal), and then went outside, I lit up.
Maybe I've blocked it from my memory so as not to distort the squeaky-clean cowgirl image.
Timelies all!
Well, we head off to the annual folklore society's getaway after work tomorrow. It's at a new site this year, and the buildings are heated.(In previous years it has been held at a summer camp where the buildings had electricity but no heat.) Should be fun, even if I have done no prep for it.
Bah. I could have seen Paul Krugman do a reading tonight at Northwestern. In Evanston, where I just was.
Oh well. ION, my MacBook now has 2 Gig of RAM. Now to install XP on it. But first, pizza!