I really wondered if they (the show) were going to carry the whole scenario through because dear lord that's icky.
I actually
didn't expect them to go all the way this time.
I expected it would be all teevee and
there would be the last second save
. But the story, anvil-y as it was, needed
Oh dear jeebus, I am thinking about
on CM? And talking about it on the internets? The hell? This was my show because of the pretty and the profiling, not the narrative flow.
Ha! Just watched The Unit. That was pretty funny. And sad.
Oh dear jeebus, I am thinking about story on CM? And talking about it on the internets?
It happens on the internet. I've heard it is corrupting like that.
Axe-ing the tool.
highlights 3 pages of doc, including diagrams. < delete>
We went to bed at like 8:30 last night and forgot to record CM. Gah.
At least you're protecting future generations from the tool.
So far all I've accomplished today are lunch plans for Monday.
They didn't tell them where (or to who) they'd be serving...
Right, but they
did say to be creative with the ingredients, or something like that didn't they? I thought Cliff's combo was way too traditional to deserve the win.
It happens on the internet. I've heard it is corrupting like that.
I thought the "corruption" referred to pr0n. Curses!
Right, they were supposed to
invent a flavor. Chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers? Gee,
where have I come across that before? Not to say that it doesn't sound good, but
for a challenge like that, I'm not sure the HaHaKids! switcheroo was really fair.
I ate at a neighborhood Thai place hidden in a converted Victorian house in a residential district today. Very good noodles. Not so good having the manager threaten a waiter with firing in front of me—that sort of thing really needs to be conducted out of sight of the customers.