A bunch of great pictures of a pirate ship halloween party: [link]
For the last 7 years my friends Don and Tracy have been creating amazing Halloween displays in the front yard of their Richmond, CA home. This year they took things to a whole new level by creating a 26’ pirate ship, complete with a functioning gun powder cannon. Hundreds Trick-or-Treaters lined up throughout the night to board the ship, gather their bounty and then exit by walking the plank (a slide at the front of the ship).
I just got this on e-mail, and my first thought was sharing it, even if only for the first coffee-themed one.
Nilly, I'm so glad you could be not-here for just the moment you were. That was so funny. Reading shrift's post to her treacherous coffee, right after your post with the link, just added to it.
David! There's a favorite sandwich meme going around the Internets: [link]
I'm with Victor on hotpants for Padma.
Some things just go too well together to pass up.
I'm with Victor on hotpants for Padma.
It's nice to know the psychic twin-ness has range.
ETA: Also, "Hotpants for Padma" should totally be a band name.
ETA: Also, "Hotpants for Padma" should totally be a band name.
See, I keep thinking "Hotpants for Padme." Which I guess would work too.
And I'm reading the whitefont just because I find it hard to resist reading whitefont.
And I rarely watch the show. So please to keep the WF witty and snarky.
I need to look at the sandwich link because I need sandwich inspiration.
The Men of Mortuaries 2007 calendar is now available: [link]
What hath Alan Ball wrought? One of them is actually named David Fisch!
I have not yet watched, so I'm not reading the whitefont yet, but it sounds to me like Ming Tsai should have guested this week instead!
I had Singapore Street Noodles at my favorite Thai-ish restaurant, spiced up with curry just hot enough to make my nose run just a little.