Let's just pile on. I'm on at least the third migraine of today--I guess it's conclusive that my fourth prophylactic medicine (not fourth since the shebang started, but fourth of the four I now take every day) is making no substantive difference.
Also, my knee hurts randomly and intensely, and that's going to mess with me.
Is Wednesday trying to be the new Monday?
Does House have a stream to rewatch online? Rassenfrassen dvr taped the wrong channel last night. No freaking cookie for it.
Tragically, it was more a shopping/reheating sort of error.
Stock Pot's the brand. I think.
Campbell's "fancy" soup, it is.
Cass--yes. (to your first question)
Campbell's "fancy" soup, it is.
Pretty sure the
cervical mucus / raw warm egg white
texture shouldn't be the focus of their ad campaign.
yes. (to your first question)
At least 2 and maybe 3 choppers have been circling our neighborhood for half an hour. I turned on the news to see if it was nuclear war or a fugitive or something, but no, someone got hit and killed by a train, and it's news choppers. Note that it's DARK so there's nothing to see, and also, who wants to see that? Stupid news.
Maybe the lacrosse players have gone on another rampage?
Miss Congeniality (aka Muppet) woke me up at 5:30, as she does not believe in the existence of Daylight Savings Time and instead goes by Feline Time, which is always one hour ahead.
Actually, my first thought was someone burned down the lacrosse team house (which is two blocks from mine.)
They are still going. Good grief, go look at some traffic!
Muppet is clearly on Baby Time.
Muppet just tried to lead me downstairs again, in the hopes of getting some better food, but I was too wily for her.
I have an election question for anyone who might still live in Michigan. Last night I saw a commercial which was against Proposal #2 (I think) which seemed to be about changing a law to allow hunters to shoot DOVES. WTF? Can anyone shed light on why people would want/need to shoot doves?