I loved GN&GL. Made me righteously angry, sure. But loved it.
Going way back to the rent discussion, turns out if I was renting this apartment for the first time, I'd be paying roughly $125 more than I am now. Interesting. And now I have to decide between 12 mo., 15 mo. or 18 mo. Differing by about $25/mo. Erm.
Askye: I think as soon as Brennan could, she got all the way into school and then digging up bones and whatever, so she's mostly been out of the country and stuff. It's still ridiculous, given that she's supposed to have written popular books, but I still think it's kind of cute. Also,
Boothe and Cam have been Doing It, but I think always on a "this time only" basis. But regularly for a little while, I think.
askye, I think it is the foster thing making her self-isolate(or maybe, single focus. Or both) plus just...her. They've never really explained more than that. Well, they've explained what happened to her family, which implies stuff, but nothing about being locked in a basement or something.
And let me say, it's fairly easy to be uninformed about pop culture and clueless to social discourse or proper norms. I work with many like that. Hell, I had to admit today I'd never seen a single ep of Gilligan's Island, and so completely missed the relevance to something. And I rarely get when I'm being flirted with. So I can see how a Bones could exist.
I had four more mailings from the Missouri Republican whatever today. I've been getting about one a day for the last two weeks all from the same organization. I mean jeez, can't they figure out I've already gotten the same mailings about eight times over.
That's next on my Neflix Queue. Or, it would be if I'd quit knocking Veronica Mars to the front.
Yeah, I looked at my queue and was horrified by how much fun and frothy tv that I have put in front of movies that were critically acclaimed. For I am shallow at times.
I think this movie requires wine. Damn though I like the serious Clooney. Oooh, I could go find some Ocean's 11 slash to read while watch. For the cognitive dissonance it could bring alone.
I loved GN&GL. Made me righteously angry, sure. But loved it.
I am loving it. Also? Feeling much of the righteous anger.
For I am shallow at times.
My PCP suggested today that I get a yoga DVD from Netflix. I was like, "But! But! Movies! TV shows! Yoga? Movies! TV shows! Yoga?"
My audience for GN&GL was...vocal. In a subdued sort of way. There were a lot of elderly folk (it's the neighborhood of the theater.Lots of jewish retirees.) Lots of mutters indicating remembrance of witnessing it and anger. It was cool.
I'm getting a lot of political tv ads, and the lawn signs are out of control. However the direct mail and stupid phone calls are way down. I think there was enough grousing in the press and editorials over those during the primary that the candidates saw them as a net loss.
My cat just took one look at me and in terror dashed away. Uh...I'm not sure what that means. I didn't do anything.