Timelies all!
Happy Birthday Ginger!
Ok, so I have a baking question. The recipes I have for banana bread and pumpkin bread both call for Crisco. I'd rather not have the trans-fats Crisco brings. What can I substitute for solid shortening, and at what ratio?(i.e. how much of the substitution per cup Crsco)
Jilli, if you make dumplings, they suck up much of/thicken the broth, too.
Jilli, you can also simmer until the meat is done, then take it out and boil down the liquid. Again beware of overcooking the veg, though.
Sheryl, Crisco makes a non-transfat version. [link]
What's the last thing that made you smile?
Does chortling count? Because then:
Specifically, where it says "The critics are telling us that it is 'too smart.'" Also the weird invocation of Arrested Development, which... I realize it's sad that it didn't do better, but guys? It had 3 seasons. Not a good example of a network failing to give a show a chance to succeed.
If that doesn't count, just before seeing that I was reading some nice email.
A thing that did not make me smile: my home is sweltering. I opened the door and walked into a wall of hot. Then I wondered if I'd gone insane and turned the heat on somehow, even though it's been warm the past couple of days. But I didn't. The condo beneath mine is empty now, and my guess is that their thermostat is set to something high (from when the AC was on) instead of just being turned off. So tomorrow I need to call the office about that, because oh my god. They've been very cranky about people running up the utility bills, so I think they'll check it out.
WHY is ANTM a review show?!?!?!?!
Because Tyra hates you. I'm sorry.
Actually, better now in the middle than the late-season rerun we got from PR, I think.
Now I want to start savestudio60fromsorkin.com.
Maybe savesorkinfromsorkin.com