Whoo! I just had to make an emergency candy run; the SO desperately held the fort while I went. When I got back, he was down to one fortune cookie and was about to start handing out dollar bills.
Now, of course, it's quieted down a bunch, so maybe that was the rush and we're going to have all the rest of this candy left. I say that, so that kids will come and we'll have just the right amount of candy, and I won't, you know, eat it all.
We had a few trick or treaters- you'd think that in Salem, there would be tons, but Salem at Halloween is very much for grownups, and if I were a parent, I wouldn't want my kids out after 7. But we gave some candy away- I obsessed about how much candy to give away, and am convinced that one little girl thinks I am a cheapskate. But... but... it's not good for them! And it was very early on, I didn't know how things would shake out! And then I realized I was freaking out over what an 8 year old thought of me.
Funniest costume moment:
Me, to a 7ish-year-old: Are you a Pilgrim
7-year-old: NO! I'm a COLONIAL GIRL!
her 13 year old sister: That's the SAME THING, dummy!
OK, it was funnier in person, and when I actually tell the story. You'll have to trust me on that.
Re: CSI preview:
Yikes. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to take that either. But... Alan Tudyk. I miss him so.
The total for the evening this year was nine. Nine! What is up with that? So much candy left.
Cash, I know.
OTOH of my fucking teenager rant, I have to remember visiting msbelle. At a station, there was a hoard of what I guess was PeeWee football players. They were LOUD. And chanting. And we prayed they wouldn't get on our car. Of course, they did. And they were kids, but they were really, really funny and well behaved and policed carefully by their mentor or coach and their peers. They were fun to watch.
So not home until 9:30, but I put the jack-o-lantern and trick or treat signs on my door and I have the Little Debbie cakes ready.
Poor msbelle. May you have some late torters.
Posted wrongly elsewhere:
Ok, thanks to you people, I just saw
the Unit go sorta all 1944 slashy.
Well, not really. There was little subtext and all text, but I do wonder about the viewing public.
Oh, dear. Kirk, Spock, and Chekov are hawking Direct TV now. Eh, more power to 'em. Movie money, ad money - it's all green. Or, probably electronically deposited. Whatever.
Dude, House
got busted for drugs!
I knew I'd regret not playing with my vcr.
DUDE! Love the whitefont.