We had rain -- definitely cut down on trick-or-treaters. We bought way too much candy this year. Fortunately, it's all stuff I like.
Sara (a bat) ran up to every house tonight with Ben (a prisoner), and afterwards asked with pleading eyes, "Another house, Mommy?" We did at least eight blocks, and she only flagged in the final half-block home. The good thing was it had stopped raining by the time we went out.
Hrm, maybe I won't. Pair of cops talking to them now. I didn't even call this time!
Cool horror story on the WFMU blog: [link]
Uh oh. The OC comes back this week. (Speaking of soap operas....) Am I going to give it another shot? Or will that just make me hate myself more?
We went through about 7 bags of candy--which is pretty typical for us. Not too big of a crowd on account of the craptastic cold, rainy weather. Lots of Spidermen and Supermen. Owen used his costume from last year (elephant) which fits him better now that he's actually a 2T. He wore it all around the house this evening and when we went to the three houses next door.
Then his feet got wet and my back hurt too much to carry him. DH kept Liv back at home to pass out the loot. She was a fire fighter. I'm uploading pictures right now.
Yeah, what she said.
(Ha! I totally, almost totally gave up the OC last year. . . )
You're right. To both.
::hangs head::
It's the damn GA rerun on Friday enabling!!
I saw an OC promo quite by mistake on the Fox site while jobhunting, and it kinda drew me back in. We shall see. To much of the merry adventures of Mini Coop will be offputting.
I think I'm giving OC up. Unless GA makes me give it up. And CSI. It's vcr hell.
WHAT is the matter with these fucking teenagers ?! I listened to the cops convo with them. If I'd been the cops, their asses would be in a sling. Fucking disrespectful jackasses. I was really impressed by the cops, they knew how to talk to them, interspersing the conversation with discussions of how they'd busted these other teens who are now in juvie. Did take the wind out of the teens' sails. But still. Mouthing off they way they were? Shit.